The San Francisco Annual Business Tax Online Returns include the Gross Receipts Tax, Administrative Office Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax, and Overpaid Executive Tax.
The San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code ("Code") provides the law for computation and rules for filing the Return. Taxpayers should not consider these instructions as authoritative law. These online instructions provide a summary of the applicable rules to assist you with completing your 2023 return.
Persons other than lessors of residential real estate must file applicable Annual Business Tax Returns if they were engaged in business in San Francisco in 2023 (as defined in Code section 6.2-12, qualified by Code sections 952.3 (f) and (g)), and are not otherwise exempt under Code sections 954, 2105, and 2805, unless their combined taxable gross receipts in the City, computed without regard to the small business exemption in Code section 954.1, is less than or equal to $2,190,000.
You ARE ENCOURAGED to file if your 2023 gross receipts was less than $2,190,000 AND you made estimated (quarterly) payments toward 2023 San Francisco taxes, as you may be eligible for a refund. If eligible based on your filing, your refund will be processed automatically.
Persons taking the Commercial Rents Tax Credit for Child Care Facilities must file a Return regardless of their gross receipts.
P ersons subject to the Administrative Office Tax must file a Return regardless of their gross receipts.
Due to the extensive features offered in the online filing, taxpayers are encouraged to use the online form if they are eligible to do so.
Returns are due by February 29, 2024 unless you have received an extension to file by April 29, 2024. Payments are due by February 29, 2024, regardless of any Return filing extensions. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in penalties, interest, and fees.
Log in to the online filing system using your seven (7) digit Business Account Number, the last four (4) digits of your Tax Identification Number, and your eight (8) character Online PIN. Be sure to enable pop ups on your web browser.
You must submit each tax type Return individually. Your Return is not complete until you see the page that says “Submission Confirmation.”
The small business enterprise exemption threshold for the Gross Receipts Tax (but not including the Administrative Office Tax), which is also applicable to the Commercial Rents Tax, is $2,190,000 in combined San Francisco gross receipts for all businesses except lessors of residential real estate.
Payments are due on or before February 29, 2024. Online forms must be transmitted before midnight on February 29, 2024. Payments must also be received or postmarked on or before February 29, 2024. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in penalties, interest, and fees.
The Gross Receipts Tax and Overpaid Executive Tax small business exemption threshold is $2,190,000 of combined gross receipts within the City. The Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax is applied to combined San Francisco taxable gross receipts above $50,000,000. The small business exemption threshold for the Commercial Rents Tax is $2,190,000 in combined San Francisco gross receipts from all business activities (not just receipts from the lease of commercial space.)
If you are completely exempt from the Gross Receipts Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, and Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax under Code sections 954, 2105, and 2805, respectively (summarized below), you do not need to file a Return. If you are exempt from only some of the taxes and not all, complete the Return and enter zeros for the tax from which you are exempt.
Code section 954 provides a detailed list of persons that are exempt from the Gross Receipts Tax. Such persons include:
Code sections 2105, 2805, and 3304 provide detailed lists of persons that are exempt from the Commercial Rents Tax Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax, and Overpaid Executive Tax. Such persons include:
You may not file your Return online and must file a paper Return if one or more of the following is true:
To obtain a paper Return, submit an online request for service, or call 3-1-1 from within San Francisco or 415-701-2311 outside of San Francisco.
For purposes of this Return, a lessor of residential real estate is treated as a separate person (with a separate Business Account Number) with respect to each individual building in which it leases residential real estate units, and must file a separate Return for each individual building and for its other business activities combined. A lessor of residential real estate must therefore allocate its gross receipts to each individual building in which it leases residential real estate units and to its other business activities combined. “Residential real estate” means real property where the primary use of or right to use the property is for the purpose of dwelling, sleeping or lodging other than as part of the business activity of accommodations.
Lessors of residential real estate in San Francisco must file a Return for each building in San Francisco under a separate Business Account Number to correctly report their tax liability. If the lessor of residential real estate is not claiming a tax credit, they may file using the online Return.
If claiming a tax credit, lessors of residential real estate that engage in any business other than leasing residential real estate (e.g., leasing commercial real estate, retailing, etc.) must file the Returns under a separate Business Account Number for the portion of their business that is not leasing residential real estate.
If they are not otherwise exempt under Code section 954 unless they lease fewer than 4 units in that individual building, lessors of residential real estate in San Francisco must file a Gross Receipts Tax Return for each building in San Francisco under a separate Business Account Number to correctly report their tax liability.
Assume Corporation A leases 10 residential units and 5 commercial units in Building A, leases 3 residential units and 4 commercial units in Building B, and generates $4,000,000 of gross receipts from these activities.
Based on its books and records, Corporation A determines that $3,000,000 of its gross receipts are from the lease of the 9 commercial units, $750,000 are from the lease of the 10 residential units in Building A, and $250,000 are from the lease of the 3 residential units in Building B.
Corporation A would have to file a Gross Receipts Tax Return reflecting the $3,000,000 gross receipts from the 9 commercial units because its gross receipts were not less than or equal to $2,190,000.
Corporation A would also have to register as a separate person and file a Gross Receipts Tax Return reflecting the $750,000 gross receipts from the 10 residential units in Building A because Corporation A leases more than 3 residential units in Building A. Corporation A would not need to file a Gross Receipts Return for the 3 residential units in Building B because Corporation A leases fewer than 4 residential units in Building B.
All persons and their related entities (defined below) must file Gross Receipts Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax, and Overpaid Executive Tax Returns on a combined basis, reflecting the gross receipts, and other tax attributes (e.g., credits and exclusions, payroll for apportionment, etc.) of all related entities. The Administrative Office Tax, Homelessness Administrative Office Tax, and Overpaid Executive Tax Returns also must be filed on a combined basis. For purposes of these instructions, the terms “you” and “your” will refer to the filer and any related entities if a combined group, unless otherwise noted.
For purposes of this Return, the term “combined group” refers to a taxpayer and all of its related entities. A person is a related entity to a taxpayer if: (1) that person and the taxpayer are permitted or required to have their income reflected on the same combined report for California Franchise or Income Tax purposes; or (2) that person and one or more other persons (including the taxpayer) derive gross receipts solely from sources within California and their business activities are such that, if conducted both within and outside California, a combined report would be required for California Franchise or Income Tax purposes.
Note, generally combined groups of related entities are corporations that file a Form 100 or Form 100W with the California Franchise Tax Board on the basis of a combined report. Generally, S-Corps and their income cannot be included or reflected in a combined report and would not qualify for inclusion in a combined group of related entities, except that unitary partnerships owned by an S-Corp may be included in a combined group with the S-Corp to the extent of the S-Corp’s ownership percentage. Nor would a corporate owner or subsidiary excluded from a water’s edge filing with the California Franchise Tax Board be included in a combined group.
If an entity was a member of your combined group for only a portion of 2023, include that entity in your combined group’s Return for the portion of 2023 that it was a member. For the portion of 2023 that the entity was not a part of your combined group, that entity will have to file separately or as part of another combined group.
If you are currently a non-filing member of a combined group but were a separate entity for a portion of the year, you must file as a separate entity for that portion of 2023 that you were a separate entity engaged in business in San Francisco.
If your combined group for California Franchise or Income Tax purposes includes an entity that is exempt from the Gross Receipts Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, and/or Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax (e.g., banks or financial corporations exempt from local taxation under Article XIII, Section 27 of the California Constitution and Revenue and Taxation Code section 23182), you should exclude the gross receipts, and other tax attributes of this exempt entity from your combined Return.
To file a Return on behalf of a combined group, you must have authorization to file on behalf of each taxpayer in the combined group. A form for this purpose, Authorization To Be Included In Combined Filings (Power of Attorney) – Form POA-2. You do not need to submit this form with your Return.
NOTE: Pursuant to Tax Collector Regulation 2014-2, a single-member entity (including a single-member limited liability company) treated as a disregarded entity for federal income tax purposes will be disregarded for purposes of the Gross Receipts Tax, and business registration requirements. This also applies to the Commercial Rents Tax and Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax. Each such entity will be treated as a sole proprietorship, branch, or division of its owner. The owner of the disregarded entity will be the registrant and taxpayer for purposes of the Gross Receipts Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax, Overpaid Executive Tax, and business registration requirements.
Check “Yes” if you had any taxable business personal property in the City during the tax year. Otherwise check “No.”
Business Personal Property includes items like machinery, equipment, fixtures, and leasehold improvements held or used in connection with a trade or business. Business property owners must file a property statement each year with the Business Personal Property Division (BPP) of the Office of the Assessor-Recorder detailing the acquisition cost of all supplies, equipment, fixtures, and improvements owned at each location within the City and County of San Francisco.
Average number of employees per week including those employed outside of San Francisco.
Enter the number of your San Francisco employees (full- and part-time) at the end of the period for which you are filing this Return.
Are you filing as a lessor of residential real estate? Select yes if this is your only business activity and you will have a simplified filing experience designed for residential landlords. See Filing as a Lessor of Residential Real Estate if you have additional business activities.
If you select yes to this question, you will be finished with the filing questionnaire.
This question is reserved for 2023. There are no tax credits or exclusions for the Gross Receipts tax this year.
Note: Tax Credit for Opening Office-Based Businesses Coming Next Year
Beginning in next year’s Annual Business Tax Returns (2024) filing, certain office-based businesses can claim an annual tax credit against their gross receipts tax liability for three (3) years. Learn more.
Mark “Yes” if you are filing on behalf of a combined group of related entities (as defined above), or if you (or any portion of your business) were part of a combined group for any portion of the tax year, even if not filing as part of a combined group with this Return. Otherwise mark “No.”
Note, generally combined groups of related entities are corporations that file a Form 100 or Form 100W with the California Franchise Tax Board on the basis of a combined report. Generally, S-Corps and their income cannot be included or reflected in a combined report and would not qualify for inclusion in a combined group of related entities. Nor would a corporate owner or subsidiary excluded from a water’s edge filing with the California Franchise Tax Board.
Select yes if you receive any amounts from lease of commercial space in San Francisco, including if you sublet commercial space.
Select “Yes” if the total combined number of full-time and part-time employees within the United States of your business and any related entities exceeded 1,000 as of the most recent December 31st (12/31/2023). Otherwise, select “No.”
If you select no, you will be finished with the filing questionnaire. If you select yes, you will see questions 9 and 10. If you answer “Yes” to questions 8, 9, 10, you are subject to the Administrative Office Tax and Homelessness Administrative Office Tax and will be directed to the Tax on Administrative Office Business Activities filing. If you answer “No” to any one of the questions, you do not qualify for the Administrative Office Tax and will be directed to the Gross Receipts Tax filing.
If you are the filer of a combined group, answer questions 8, 9, and 10, on a combined basis. However, for purposes of these three questions only, a person is a “related entity” if they could be included in the same combined report for California Franchise or Income Tax purposes but for the existence of a water’s edge election (i.e., you should ignore any water’s edge election for purposes of these three questions).
Select “Yes” if the total combined gross receipts of your business and any related entities reported on United States federal income tax return(s) for your most recently completed federal income tax year exceeded one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000). Otherwise, check “No.” If you and/or any of your related entities have not yet filed United States federal income tax return(s) for your most recently completed federal income tax year, use the gross receipts that will be reported on such return(s) when filed.
Mark “Yes” if over 50 percent of the total combined payroll expense in the City of your business and any related entities in 2023 was associated with providing administrative or management services exclusively to you and any of your related entities. Otherwise, select “No.”
For purposes of this question only, payroll expense in the City is determined in the same way as for the Payroll Expense Tax (in Code section 901 et seq. ), except that grants of rights to acquire an ownership interest in an employer (e.g., stock options) are not included as payroll expense.
Also for purposes of this question, “administrative or management services” comprises internal support services provided on an enterprise-wide basis, such as executive office oversight, company business strategy, record keeping, risk management, personnel administration, legal, accounting, market research and analysis, and training services. “Administrative or management services” does not include sales personnel or personnel actively engaged in marketing, research and development, direct customer service, and product support services.
On this page, you will see lines for the taxes available for you to file.
If you are a Gross Receipts Tax filer who answered yes to Question 7 on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see three lines: one for Gross Receipts Tax, Overpaid Executive Tax, and Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax Returns, one for Commercial Rents Tax, and one for Business Communications. If you answered No to Question 7 on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see two lines: one for Gross Receipts Tax, Overpaid Executive Tax, and Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax Returns and one for Business Communications.
If you are an Administrative Office Tax filer who answered yes to Question 7 on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see three lines: one for Administrative Office Tax, Overpaid Executive Tax, and Homelessness Administrative Office Tax Returns, one for Commercial Rents Tax, and one for Business Communications. If you answered No to Question 7 on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see two lines: one for Administrative Office Tax, Overpaid Executive Tax, and Homelessness Administrative Office Tax Returns and one for Business Communications.
If you have not yet filed a tax, you will see a “File” button. Click the “File” button to begin or continue your Return.
If you have already submitted a Return for a tax, you will see an “Amend” button. Click this button to amend a previously filed Return. You will also see a “View Prior Submission” link. Clicking this button will open an html of your most recently filed Return.
Click “File” for the Business Communications line item to provide contact information to receive communications related to health orders, disasters, grants and loan opportunities.
You will also see two blue buttons at the bottom of the page: Proceed to Pay and Payment Details.
Click the “Proceed to Pay” button to proceed to the online payment portal. This button will not be available until you have submitted at least one Return.
Click the “Payment Details” button to view the payment details our office has on file for this business account.
Check the box for each business activity in which you engaged in 2023, regardless of the amount of gross receipts that the business activity generated. Most activities are categorized by their 2012 North American Industry Classification System (“NAICS”) code. For more information on the 2012 NAICS codes, please go to . The Biotechnology and Clean Technology businesses are described in Code sections 952.3(e). If you are engaged in any business activities not listed on this page, check the box next to line 20, and describe the activity or activities in the field that appears.
Note: Interest earned on savings accounts and other passive investment receipts may be reported in your primary business activity and do not need to be listed as a separate business activity.
Lessors of residential real estate in San Francisco must file a Gross Receipts Tax Return for each building if they are not otherwise exempt under Code section 954 unless they lease fewer than 4 units in that individual building.
“Residential real estate” means real property where the primary use of or right to use the property is for dwelling, sleeping or lodging other than as part of the business activity of accommodations.
If you were engaged in business in San Francisco as a lessor of residential real estate (a residential landlord), each individual building in which you lease residential real estate units is treated as a separate person, with a separate Business Account Number.
Lessors of residential real estate in San Francisco must file a Return for each building in San Francisco under a separate Business Account Number to correctly report their tax liability. Lessors of residential real estate that engage in any business other than leasing residential real estate (e.g., leasing commercial real estate, retailing, etc.) must complete a Return under a separate Business Account Number for the portion of their business that is not leasing residential real estate.
The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector has provided a “Lessor of Residential Real Estate (Residential Landlord)” filing option for Residential Landlords.
1. Log in to the online filing and answer a few introductory questions about your business.
2. Select “Yes” when the system asks if you are a lessor of residential real estate.
3. When you click to “File” your Gross Receipts Tax Return, the system will automatically select “Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Services” as your business activity.
4. Enter the number of units you leased out and your total gross receipts for 2023. Answer “Yes” or “No” to “Are your units rent-controlled?”
The system will automatically calculate your Gross Receipts Tax. If you leased out fewer than four units in the building for which you are filing, you will qualify for the small business exemption and will owe no Gross Receipts Tax. If you lease units subject to rent control, you may enter those amounts to calculate the 50% exclusion of gross receipts.
Note: you must enter a value in line 3 to proceed with the filing. This figure must include the gross receipts for all units, including rent controlled units.
5. Complete the taxpayer statement and submit your Return. From the Submission Confirmation page, click Continue to reach the Courtesy Calculation page.
If you derived gross receipts from both within and outside San Francisco, your San Francisco gross receipts will be determined, at least in part, by apportionment. To calculate your apportionment percentage, enter your total payroll and San Francisco payroll for 2023.
Total payroll is the total worldwide compensation paid by you and any related entities, unless you made a valid water’s edge election for California Franchise Tax purposes, in which case your total payroll is determined in accordance with that election. If you have employees, “compensation” means wages, salaries, commissions and any other form of remuneration paid to those employees for services. If you have no employees, compensation includes all taxable income for federal income tax purposes of your owners or proprietors who are individuals. If you had no payroll during 2023, enter zero.
San Francisco payroll is determined by apportioning total payroll under Code section 956.2. If you had no San Francisco payroll during 2023, enter zero.
Click Save & Continue to continue to the Calculation of Gross Receipts page.
For each business activity selected, the system will walk you through the calculation of your taxable gross receipts. If you are a combined group, provide this information on a water’s edge or worldwide basis, depending on the election you made that governs your California Franchise Tax Board filing for 2023. To determine the gross receipts to include in the “Total within San Francisco” column, use the rules in Code section 956.1, including the gross receipts of all related entities, regardless of the entities’ individual connections to San Francisco.
You must complete both “Total within and outside San Francisco” and “Total within San Francisco” columns for each line. If the San Francisco gross receipts for a business activity are determined wholly by allocating receipts according to Code section 956.1, then only the “Total within San Francisco” column will be used to calculate your Gross Receipts. Similarly, if the San Francisco gross receipts are determined wholly by apportioning based on payroll according to Code section 956.2, then only the “Total within and outside San Francisco” column be used for calculation.
In general, “gross receipts” includes all amounts received or accrued from whatever source derived, including, but not limited to, amounts derived from sales, services, dealings in property, interest, rent, royalties, dividends, licensing fees, other fees, commissions, and distributed amounts from other business entities. Gross receipts generally include, but are not limited to, all amounts that constitute gross income for federal income tax purposes. Government grants, including those provided via the Payroll Protection Program, are not considered to be ‘gross receipts’ for purposes of the City’s Gross Receipts Tax.
In lines 1-9 , enter your gross receipts for that business activity. Enter amounts even if excludable as gross receipts under the Code, because exclusions will be considered in lines 10-17.
In lines 10-16 , enter any exclusions from your total gross receipts for that business activity as reported on lines 1-9. Only enter amounts that you included in lines 1-9.
Clicking “Save & Continue” at the bottom of the page will bring you to a separate page for your next business activity. Each of the business activities selected is listed across the top of the page. Once you have completed a page for all business activities selected, the system will automatically calculate your Gross Receipts Tax.
Enter your gross receipts or sales for the business activity in 2023, except for amounts listed on lines 2 through 9. Include gross receipts in the year that they are recognized as gross income for federal income tax reporting purposes. Do not include as gross receipts cash discounts allowed or taken on sales, or cash and credit refunds made to customers for returned merchandise.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all rental receipts (i.e., rent payments to you), whether received in cash or otherwise, for the lease or rental of real property in 2023, including any payments for services that are part of the lease or rental.
For the business activity selected, enter all royalties received or accrued in 2023.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all interest, dividends, and other amounts received or accrued from the ownership or sale of financial instruments in 2023. “Financial instruments” include:
1. Stocks or other similar written instruments evidencing a right to participate in the assets of any business;
2. Bonds or other evidence of indebtedness; and
3. Any other marketable securities.
To the extent that any loss on the sale or exchange of financial instruments in 2023 reduces your gross income for federal income tax purposes in 2023, you can reduce your gross receipts from the sale or exchange of other financial instruments in 2023 by the amount of that loss, but in no event shall those receipts be less than zero.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all distributions from business entities received or accrued in 2023.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all licensing and related fees received or accrued in 2023.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all commissions received or accrued in 2023.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all taxes and governmentally imposed fees received or accrued in 2023.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of any other amounts received or accrued in 2023, but not included in lines 1-8, including, but not limited to, amounts that constitute gross income for federal income tax purposes.
This line will sum lines 1 through 9 automatically.
For the business activity selected, click the blue “Enter Related Entity Details” button to enter all amounts received from or charged to any related entity (as defined in Code section 952.5) in 2023. In the pop up, for each amount received, enter the Business Account Number and/or Tax ID, the Entity/Name, the Total within and outside San Francisco, and the Total within San Francisco.
Enter the Business Account Number (BAN) of the related entity. BANs must be seven digits long.
Enter the Tax ID of the related entity.
Enter the name of the related entity.
Enter the applicable amount.
Enter the applicable amount.
After the pop up box is closed, the sum of the “Total within and outside San Francisco” and the sum of the “Total within San Francisco” will display in line 10 on Gross Receipts Page.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all interest, dividends, and other amounts received from the ownership or sale of financial instruments and distributions from business entities in 2023, provided such items are directly derived exclusively from the investment of capital and not from the sale of property other than financial instruments or from the provision of services to any person. “Financial instruments” include: (1) stocks or other similar written instruments evidencing a right to participate in the assets of any business; (2) bonds or other evidence of indebtedness; and (3) any other marketable securities.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all allocations of income or gains, or distributions (including returns on capital) in 2023 from an entity treated as a pass-through entity for federal income tax purposes, provided such allocations or distributions are derived exclusively from your investment in such entity, and not from any other property sold to, or services provided to, such entity.
For the business activity selected, click the blue “Enter Pass-Through Entity Details” button to enter all gross receipts received in 2023 from a pass-through entity that is subject to the Gross Receipts Tax. In the pop up, for each amount received, enter the Business Account Number and/or Tax ID, the Entity/Name, the Total within and outside San Francisco, and the Total within San Francisco.
Enter the Business Account Number (BAN) of the pass-through entity. BANs must be seven digits long.
Enter the Tax ID of the pass-through entity.
Enter the name of the pass-through entity.
Enter the applicable amount.
Enter the applicable amount.
After the pop up box is closed, the sum of the “Total within and outside San Francisco” and the sum of the “Total within San Francisco” will display in line 13 on Gross Receipts Page.
For the business activity selected, click the blue “Enter Real Property Details” button to enter all receipts received from the sale of real property in 2023 with respect to which the Real Property Transfer Tax imposed by Article 12-C of the Code has been paid to the City. Per Tax Collector Regulation 2016-1, a person may only exclude from gross receipts those receipts from the sale of real property where the Real Property Transfer Tax imposed by Article 12-C of the Code was paid with respect to that particular sale by December 31 of the tax year in which the gross receipts at issue would otherwise be subject to the Gross Receipts Tax in Article 12-A-1.
In the pop up, for each amount received, enter the Business Account Number and/or Tax ID, the Entity/Name, the Total within and outside San Francisco, and the Total within San Francisco.
Enter the Block number for the Real Property.
Enter the Lot number for the Real Property.
Enter the address of the Real Property.
Enter the applicable amount.
Enter the applicable amount.
After the pop up box is closed, the sum of the “Total within and outside San Francisco” and the sum of the “Total within San Francisco” will display in line 14 on Gross Receipts Page.
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of all excludable taxes in 2023. Taxes excluded from gross receipts include only:
For the business activity selected, enter the sum of any other amounts excludable by law if included in lines 1-9 and not otherwise included in lines 10-15 or line 17. Include only amounts excluded as gross receipts, and not any reductions from the Gross Receipts Tax because of any credits, as these will be considered after calculating your Gross Receipts Tax liability.
This line sums lines 10 through 16.
This line is the difference between lines A and B. The “San Francisco” column is your gross receipts allocated according to Code section 956.1 (if applicable to this business activity).
This line applies the appropriate allocation and apportionment methodology to your gross receipts.
For business activities that use 50% apportionment and 50% allocation, the calculation is: (1) Line C of your “Total” column multiplied by your apportionment percentage multiplied by 50% plus (2) Line C of your “San Francisco” column multiplied by 50%.
For business activities that use only apportionment, the calculation is: Line C of your “Total” column multiplied by your apportionment percentage.
For business activities that use only allocation, this line will equal line C of your “San Francisco” column.
Note: This line will only show in the “Construction” business activity page.
Your San Francisco gross receipts for the business activity of construction may be reduced by amounts paid in 2023 to a subcontractor possessing a valid business registration certificate with the City and County of San Francisco during the tax year to the extent that those amounts were included in line C of the “San Francisco” column. Do not subtract any other costs, including, without limitation, costs for materials, fees, equipment, or other services. To claim the reduction for payments to subcontractors, you must maintain an itemized schedule of payments to subcontractors and information sufficient to enable the Tax Collector to verify that the subcontractor possessed a valid business registration certificate with the City.
Per Tax Collector Regulation 2016-2, after allocating and apportioning its gross receipts under Section 953.5(c), a construction contractor may reduce its San Francisco gross receipts for the business activity of construction by any amounts paid to a subcontractor for work performed with respect to property in the City if the subcontractor possesses a valid business registration certificate with the City during the tax year. No reduction is permitted for any other costs, such as materials, fees, equipment or other services, and the reduction may not reduce the construction contractor’s taxable gross receipts for the business activity of construction below $0. To support the reduction, the contractor must provide to the Tax Collector upon request an itemized schedule of payments to the subcontractors and information sufficient to enable the Tax Collector to verify that the subcontractors possessed valid business registration certificates with the City during the tax year.
If you are reducing your construction gross receipts by amounts paid to subcontractors, click the button labeled “Subcontractor Information” to access the Subcontractor Information pop up box.
You will be prompted to either enter your payments in directly, or to download an Excel template.
Enter the Business Account Number (BAN) of the subcontractor. BANs must be seven digits long.
Enter the project location. Only include payments made to subcontractors for projects located within San Francisco.
Enter the total payments made or recognized.
To upload a spreadsheet instead of manual entry, click on “Download Template.” An Excel spreadsheet template will download. Open the downloaded document.
The spreadsheet is pre-populated with “1” for line 1. For additional entries, enter the line numbers sequentially.
Enter the Business Account Number (BAN) of the subcontractor. BANs must be seven digits long. For BANs with fewer than 7 digits, add zero to the beginning of the number so that there are 7 digits. For example, to enter BAN 133, you would enter “0000133."
Enter the project location. Only include payments made to subcontractors for projects located within San Francisco.
Enter the total payments made or recognized. Be sure to only enter amounts with no more than two digits after the decimal. If your spreadsheet includes amounts with more than two digits after the decimal, you may receive an error.
Once you have completed the Excel form, save it to your desktop and then select “Upload Subcontractor Information” and select the document from your desktop. Select “Save” to return to the Calculation of Gross Receipts page.
The system will populate the fields of the subcontractor payments pop up with the data from your upload. If you entered an invalid BAN in the spreadsheet, the data from that line item will not be uploaded. The form will show an error message indicating the line numbers that were not loaded due to invalid data.
The form will sum the payments entered in the “Payment Amount” column and display the result at the top of the pop-up box. After the pop up box is closed, this number will also display in line 17 on Gross Receipts Page F for the Construction business activity. This amount cannot exceed the amount from line C.
Note: This line will only show in the “Construction” business activity page.
This line is the difference between line D and line 17.
This page summarizes your San Francisco gross receipts based on your entries on the prior pages. You may click the blue bars above this table to edit your responses.
This page applies the appropriate tax rate(s) to your San Francisco gross receipts. If you or your combined group is engaged in multiple business activities, this page applies the rules specified in Code section 953.9. These rules include:
This page will summarize the gross receipts, tax rate, and Gross Receipts Tax attributable to each of your business activities, pursuant to the rules above. Line F totals the Gross Receipts Tax before credits for all your business activities.
The Overpaid Executive Tax was passed by voters in November 2020. It imposes an annual Overpaid Executive Gross Receipts Tax on each person engaging in business within the City where the Executive Pay Ratio for the tax year of that person or the combined group of which it is a part exceeds 100:1. Refer to our Overpaid Executive Tax page for more information and a link to a video reviewing the terms below.
“Executive Pay Ratio” means the ratio of the annual Compensation paid to the person or combined group’s Highest-Paid Managerial Employee for a tax year to the median Compensation paid to the person or combined group’s full-time and part-time employees based in the City for that tax year, determined on a full-time equivalency and annualized basis.
“Compensation” means wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, property issued or transferred in exchange for the performance of services (including but not limited to stock options), compensation for services to owners of pass-through entities, and any other form of remuneration paid to employees for services.
An employee is “based in the City for [a] tax year” if the employee’s total working hours in the City for the person or combined group during the tax year exceeds the employee’s total working hours in any other local jurisdiction for the person or combined group during the tax year.
Compensation paid to a part-time employee for the tax year shall be converted to a “full-time equivalency” by multiplying the part-time employee’s Compensation for the tax year by 40, and dividing the result by the average number of hours the part-time employee worked per week during the tax year for the person or combined group.
Compensation paid to an employee who was employed by the person or combined group for only a portion of the tax year shall be “annualized” by multiplying the employee’s Compensation (or, as stated, for a part-time employee, full-time equivalent Compensation) for the tax year by 52, and dividing the result by the number of weeks that the employee was employed by that person or combined group during the tax year.
“Highest-Paid Managerial Employee” means the individual employee or officer of a person or combined group with managerial responsibility in a business function who received the most Compensation for a tax year.
Input the compensation of the Highest-Paid Managerial Employee of the entity or combined group. The Highest-Paid Managerial Employee does not need to be based in the City for the tax year. If the Highest-Paid Managerial Employee of the entity or combined group was part-time their compensation shall be converted into full-time equivalency per the general directions above and in the Code. If the Highest-Paid Managerial Employee was only employed for a portion of the tax year, their compensation shall be annualized per the general instructions above and in the Code.
Input the job title of the Highest-Paid Managerial Employee. While the Highest-Paid Managerial Employee may be the Chief Executive Officer, other managerial employees may be the highest paid.
Input the median annual Compensation of the employees based in the City for the tax year. Compensation of part-time employees shall be converted into full-time equivalency per the general directions above and in the Code. Compensation of employees only employed for a portion of the tax year shall be annualized per the general instructions above and in the Code. These adjustments must be included in determining the median compensation of employees based in the City for the tax year.
Input the job title of the employee at the median annual compensation of employees based in the City for the tax year.
The form will calculate the ratio of Line 1 to Line 3. For example, if Line 1 is $15,000,000 and Line 3 is $100,000, the form will calculate 150 for this line.
The form will calculate the Overpaid Executive Tax rate using the Executive Pay Ratio.
Executive Pay Ratio
Executive Pay Ratio
Less Than or Equal to
The form will display the San Francisco taxable gross receipts from your Gross Receipts Tax Return.
The form will calculate and display the Overpaid Executive Tax. (Line 6 x Line 7)
Click “Save & Continue” to proceed to the either the Tax Summary page (if your combined taxable San Francisco gross receipts are less than $50,000,000), or to the Homelessness Gross Receipts page (if your combined taxable San Francisco gross receipts are $50,000,000 or greater).
Persons and combined groups with more than $50,000,000 in combined taxable San Francisco gross receipts are required to file and pay the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax. If you report more than $50,000,000 in taxable San Francisco gross receipts, if you previously reported more than $50,000,000 in taxable San Francisco gross receipts and are amending down, or if you made 2023 Estimated Payments toward the Homelessness Gross Tax, you will see the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax Return page.
This number will be pulled from the Gross Receipts Tax filing.
If you answered Yes to Question 7 (Commercial Rents) on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see Line 1b on this page. If you answered No to Question 7 (Commercial Rents) on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will not see Line 1b on this page.
If applicable, enter the total receipts subject to the Commercial Rents Tax. Amounts received that are subject to the Commercial Rents Tax are excluded from taxation under the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax.
This number will subtract Line 1b from Line 1.
This line calculates the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax obligation, which is 0.175% to 0.69% on combined taxable gross receipts over $50 million.
Business Activity Set
Tax Rate
Click “Save & Continue” to proceed to the Tax Summary page, which will display your Gross Receipts tax amount and Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax amount.
If you would like to designate a portion of your Gross Receipts Tax or Administrative Office Tax liability to the Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-up Fund (also known as the "Community Challenge Grant Program") you may:
These designations will not increase your tax liability, but will designate a portion of the tax you pay to go to the Community Challenge Grant Program.
Enter the information requested at the bottom of the page and sign the form. If you are an agent of the taxpayer authorized to sign this Return on the taxpayer’s behalf, you must have a validly executed Power of Attorney (Form POA-1).
By signing the form you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you are the taxpayer (including an officer, general partner, member manager, executor, trustee, fiduciary, or other individual with the authority to bind the taxpayer), or an agent of the taxpayer authorized to sign this Return on behalf of the taxpayer pursuant to a validly executed Power of Attorney, and that you have examined the Return and all accompanying schedules or worksheets and have determined that, to the best of your knowledge and belief, all of the information is true, correct, and compliant with all the requirements in the stated sections of the Code. You are also acknowledging that you are providing information in response to a request for financial information pursuant to Code section 6.5-1, and that you are required by law to complete this Return in its entirety and that the Return is subject to audit.
After you click submit, you will be taken to the Submission Confirmation page. Click “Continue” on the Submission Confirmation page to go to the Courtesy Calculation page. Click “Continue” on the Courtesy Calculation page to return to the Tax Filing Menu page.
If you click “File” or “Amend” for Administrative Office Tax, you will be taken to the Administrative Office Tax Return.
All businesses that file Administrative Office Tax are required to file and pay the Homelessness Administrative Office Tax.
As discussed above, you will only see this option if you selected “yes” to questions 8, 9, and 10 on the Filing Questionnaire.
If you are a filer for a combined group and clicked YES to Question 6 on the Filing Questionnaire page, you will see the Administrative Office Tax – Related Entities page. If you are a single filer, or clicked NO to Question 6, you will be taken directly to the Administrative Office Tax & Homelessness Administrative Office Tax Return page.
If you indicated you are the filer for a combined group, you will see this page, which allows you to enter the information to calculate your Administrative Office Tax liability for your combined group. When you first enter the page, only the filer’s information will populate the fields on the screen. You must enter the count of employees and San Francisco payroll expense for the filer before you can add related entities.
After you have entered the count of employees and the San Francisco payroll expense for the filer, you may add related entities. To add a related entity to the combined group, select the “Add Member” button on the left side of the screen below the table. This will start a new line, where you must enter the 7-digit Business Account Number of the related entity you wish to add to the combined group. After you enter the Business Account Number, the Business Name will automatically populate. Confirm that the Business Account Number and Business Name are correct before proceeding. You may add as many related entities as you need to complete your combined group.
This is an auto-populated column that tracks the number of related entities in the combined group, including the person filing on behalf of the group.
Enter the Business Account Number for the additional members in this field. To delete a member, click “X” to the left of the Business Account Number.
This is an auto-populated column based on your entry into the Business Account Number field.
In this column you may adjust the percentage that an entity is part of the combined group. This situation may arise where a pass-through entity is only partially owned by and is unitary with an entity or entities in one or more combined groups. Note, if the amount in this column is adjusted to less than 100%, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the remaining portion or portions of the entity is in, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the entity that is not included in this filing.
Enter the date the entity joined the combined group. Entities filing separately that: (1) joined a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco prior to that date (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members); or (2) were partially included in a combined group for the entire tax year, should enter the date they first engaged in business in San Francisco. Entities filing separately that left a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco after leaving the group (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members) should enter the date they left the combined group. If the date was an uncertain date prior to January 1, 2014, it is acceptable to enter 1/1/2014. If the date is after January 1, 2023 (1/1/2023) and the entity engaged in business in the City prior to the date it joined the combined group, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the entity is/was part of, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the year that the entity was not part of this combined group but was engaged in business in the City.
Enter the date the entity exited the group (if the entity is still part of the combined group leave blank). Entities filing separately that: (1) left a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco after leaving the combined group (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members); or (2) were partially included in a combined group for the entire tax year, should leave this blank if they are still engaged in business in San Francisco or should enter the date they ceased engaging in business in San Francisco. Entities filing separately that joined a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco prior to that date (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the tax year that they were members) should enter the date they joined the combined group. If a date exited is prior to December 31, 2023 (12/31/2023) and the entity continued to engage in business in the City after the date it exited the combined group, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the entity is/was part of, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the year that the entity was not part of this combined group but was engaged in business in the City.
This column will calculate the number of days in 2023 each entity was in the combined group for this Return based on entries in the columns titled “Date Entered Group” and “Date Exited Group,” and divide by the total days in the year to arrive at the proportion of the year each entity was in the group. If the entity was in the group for the entire year, this column will display 100%.
Enter the number of San Francisco employees this entity had as of the last day of the tax year, or the last date it was included in this filing, whichever is applicable.
Enter your San Francisco payroll expense for 2023. This should include only the payroll expense for the portion of the entity and/or portion of the tax year that the entity was part of the combined group.
The online form will calculate the San Francisco Administrative Office Tax for each entity.
The online form will sum all the count of employees entered, the San Francisco Payroll Expense of all entities, and the San Francisco Administrative Office Tax.
Click Save & Continue to continue to the Administrative Office Tax Return page.
Enter your San Francisco payroll expense. If you are filing as the filer of a combined group, this field will populate with the data from the Related Entities page.
The system will calculate your Administrative Office Tax, which is 1.4% of your San Francisco payroll expense.
This line calculates the Homelessness Administrative Office Tax obligation, which is 1.5% of your San Francisco payroll expense.
If you indicated you are the filer for a combined group, and you are a Gross Receipts Tax filer, then when you click “File” for Gross Receipts Tax, you will be taken to the Related Entities Statement Data page.
If you indicated you are the filer for a combined group, you will see this page, which allows you to enter the details of your combined group members. When you first enter the page, only the filer’s information will populate the fields on the screen. You must enter the count of employees for the filer before you can add related entities.
After you have entered the count of employees for the filer, you may add related entities. To add a related entity to the combined group, select the “Add Member” button on the left side of the screen below the table. This will start a new line, where you must enter the 7-digit Business Account Number of the related entity you wish to add to the combined group. After you enter the Business Account Number, the Business Name will automatically populate. Confirm that the Business Account Number and Business Name are correct before proceeding. You may add as many related entities as you need to complete your combined group.
Column – #
This is an auto-populated column that tracks the number of related entities in the combined group, including the person filing on behalf of the group.
Column – Business Account Number
Enter the Business Account Number for the additional members in this field. To delete a member, click “X” to the left of the Business Account Number.
Column – Business Name
This is an auto-populated column based on your entry into the Business Account Number field.
Column – Percent of Entity Included in Filing (100% if Wholly in Group)
In this column you may adjust the percentage that an entity is part of the combined group. This situation may arise where a pass-through entity is only partially owned by and is unitary with an entity or entities in one or more combined groups. Note, if the amount in this column is adjusted to less than 100%, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the remaining portion or portions of the entity is in, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the entity that is not included in this filing. An example below illustrates this approach to filing.
Column – Date Entered Group
Enter the date the entity joined the combined group. Entities filing separately that: (1) joined a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco prior to that date (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members); or (2) were partially included in a combined group for the entire tax year, should enter the date they first engaged in business in San Francisco. Entities filing separately that left a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco after leaving the group (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members) should enter the date they left the combined group. If the date was an uncertain date prior to January 1, 2014, it is acceptable to enter 1/1/2014. If the date is after January 1, 2023 (1/1/2023) and the entity engaged in business in the City prior to the date it joined the combined group, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the entity is/was part of, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the year that the entity was not part of this combined group but was engaged in business in the City.
Column – Date Exited Group (Leave Blank if Not Applicable)
Enter the date the entity exited the group (if the entity is still part of the combined group leave blank). Entities filing separately that: (1) left a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco after leaving the combined group (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the year that they were members); or (2) were partially included in a combined group for the entire tax year, should leave this blank if they are still engaged in business in San Francisco or should enter the date they ceased engaging in business in San Francisco. Entities filing separately that joined a combined group during the tax year and were engaged in business in San Francisco prior to that date (whether fully included in the combined group or not for the portion of the tax year that they were members) should enter the date they joined the combined group. If a date exited is prior to December 31, 2023 (12/31/2023) and the entity continued to engage in business in the City after the date it exited the combined group, the entity or someone filing on behalf of the combined group the entity is/was part of, will have to complete a Return to account for the portion of the year that the entity was not part of this combined group but was engaged in business in the City.
Column – Percent of Tax Year in Group
This column will calculate the number of days in 2023 each entity was in the combined group for this Return based on entries in the columns titled “Date Entered Group” and “Date Exited Group,” and divide by the total days in the year to arrive at the proportion of the year each entity was in the group. If the entity was in the group for the entire year, this column will display 100%.
Column – Count of Employees
Enter the number of San Francisco employees this entity had as of the last day of the tax year, or the last date it was included in this filing, whichever is applicable.
Summary Table – Combined Group Employee Count
The online form will sum all the count of employees entered.
Corporation A and Corporation B are unitary with Partnership C, and each owns 30 percent of Partnership C. Under California Franchise Tax rules, Partnership C would be included in Corporation A and B’s unitary group to the extent of their combined 60 percent ownership.
In this case, the combined group with Corporation A, Corporation B, and 60 percent of Partnership C should enter 60 percent as the percentage of Partnership C that is included in the Return in the column entitled “Percent of Entity Included in the Filing (100% if wholly in Group).”
While filing separately for the portion of its business not combined with Corporations A and B, Partnership C should enter 40 percent as the percentage of Partnership C that is included in the Return.
Click Save & Continue to continue to the Gross Receipts Tax Return.