Legal Ages of Consent by Country in Africa

In Africa, the age of consent is the legal age at which an individual is considered mature enough to consent to sex. Sexual relations with someone under the Age of Consent are considered statutory rape, and can result in severe punishment under local laws.

The lowest age of consent in Africa is open-ended, due to marriage laws, and the highest age of consent in Africa is 18. For more information and a map, see age of consent laws around the world. Click on any country in the table below for details on the local age of consent.

Country Continent Age Of Consent Close-In-Age Exemption
Libya Africa Must be married No
Sudan Africa Must be married No
Nigeria Africa 11 No
Angola Africa 12 No
Niger Africa 13 No
Comoros Africa 13 No
Burkina Faso Africa 13 No
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Africa 13 No
Chad Africa 14 No
Malawi Africa 14 No
Mauritius Africa 14 No
Cape Verde Africa 14 No
Madagascar Africa 14 No
Sao Tome and Principe Africa 14 No
Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa 14 No
Guinea Africa 15 No
Togo Africa 16 No
Ghana Africa 16 No
Zambia Africa 16 No
Algeria Africa 16 No
Lesotho Africa 16 No
Namibia Africa 16 No
Senegal Africa 16 No
Botswana Africa 16 No
Cameroon Africa 16 No
Zimbabwe Africa 16 No
Swaziland Africa 16 No
Mauritania Africa 16 No
South Africa Africa 16 No
Guinea Bissau Africa 16 No
Mali Africa 18 No
Benin Africa 18 No
Egypt Africa 18 No
Gabon Africa 18 No
Kenya Africa 18 No
Gambia Africa 18 No
Rwanda Africa 18 No
Uganda Africa 18 No
Burundi Africa 18 No
Eritrea Africa 18 No
Liberia Africa 18 No
Somalia Africa 18 No
Tunisia Africa 18 No
Djibouti Africa 18 No
Ethiopia Africa 18 No
Tanzania Africa 18 No
Seychelles Africa 18 No
Ivory Coast Africa 18 No
South Sudan Africa 18 No
Sierra Leone Africa 18 No
Equatorial Guinea Africa 18 No
Central African Verde Africa 18 No
Republic of the Congo Africa 18 No

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If you are a victim of sexual assault or statutory rape, call the 24-hour RAINN help hotline at 800-656-HOPE